Records set with Lobster NeckWeigth 2020-2021

12 Jul 2021, 9:53

Dear Friends, 

We are happy to continue informing you about our success and success of freedivers who use Lobster Neckweight!

Freediving world was so busy during the las year! At first it was preparing for a lot of local AIDA and CMAS competitions and then to CMAS World Championship. 

Many of athletes competed using Lobster NeckWeight and we were also so busy during the last year carrying out Lobsters for them! We’ve got a lot of orders, we’ve been very busy and now it’s time to summarize!

Thus, what we have? Here are the records which our friends set using Lobster NeckWeight:

Claire Beatrix in Paris broke 2 USA National, Continental, Pan-American Freediving Records in November 2019!

Johanna Nordblad set CMAS Under-Ice Swimming Record in March 2021!

Cristina Francone set 2 new world records in May 2021!

Cristina Francone set a new CMAS freediving World Record in June, 2021!

Mirela Kardasevic set new World Record in Lobster Weight System

CMAS World Championship 2021:

Magdalena Solich got Gold medal in DYN mono and setting new World record 265m;

Vitomir Maričić became World Champion 2021 in


Mirela Kardasevic got silver medal diving 232m.

Besides that there were many AIDA national records set by athletes diving in lobster NeckWeight. Here is a little list, as in fact there were much more freedivers set the national records in many other countries! Sorry, for not mentioning you, guys, but if you wish us to add you to this list, feel free to let us know!

So here they are:

Leigh Woolley set national record in Australia;

Shinya Oi broke his personal and national record in discipline DNF, Japan;

Talya Davidoff set national record in USA in disciplines: DYN (160 m) and  DYNB (137 m)!

Daniel Flores Castro -National Record in  in DYNB;

 David Mulheron - DNYB National Record of 211 meters and equal DNY record of 218 meters; 

Jérôme Hulin - National Record of 155m bi-fins.

So, on this positive note we wish freedivers even better results and setting new records and Lobster Neck Weight is here for you!

Cheers! 🙂

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