20 Jul 2022, 17:25

Last chance!

As we announced, starting with the 1st of August, the prices on all Lobster Weight products will increase by 10%.

So, if you want to secure the best pool neck weight at the LOWEST PRICE it will ever be, now is absolutely the time. 

Make a present for your freediving buddy, surprise them with a Lobster, or tell a friend about the end of an era. We had these prices for a long time,  we are thankful for each and every one of you that purchased a Lobster neck Weight. You are all absolutely magnificent, and together we move on to bigger and better things. 

Catch the last glance of Lobster's old prices, and don't become one of those people that constantly use the phrase "Oh, it was cheaper then" 

It's still cheap now, that's your chance!

Love you and don't forget to dive like no other with Lobster Weight!

As you know Lobster is a multiple record holder due to your trust and its undiscussable functionality.Last two world championships were full of amazing National and World Records with Losbter neck weight.Toghether with you we created SQUID and now we want to help you in setting your personal deep best.
NEXT DAY shipping for Lobster Best Sellers
Exciting News from Lobster! We've doubled our production capabilities, and now we have stock of basic colors neck weignts! And we are ready to ship your Lobster and Squid orders the next day you purchase!
We understand how annoying shipping costs can be, so you have 4 days to take advantage of this HOT offer.