21 Sep 2022, 14:54

Guess what? FREE SHIPPING IS BACK, but not yet.

At the end of this month, for a limited period of time, you will be able to order 2+ Lobster Weights and get free shipping on your order.

Make sure to have your notifications turned on, for our Instagram page, and don't miss out on a HUGE exclusive deal. Save some money on the delivery, and be prepared for the upcoming freediving season with Lobster Weight. 

Get your freediving buddies excited, get yourself excited, and make a collective order. Get the BEST pool freediving neck weight for the BEST price.

And don't forget to dive like no other!

Easter discounts continue. Hurry up
Easter continues to be celebrated around the world, so we continue to spoil you with discounts on all Lobster Weight products.
Introducing Neon Green
Unleash your rebel spirit with Neon Green - the audacious shade defining a new era
Congratulate everyone who celebrates Easter holiday
Dear friends,We sincerely congratulate everyone who celebrates Easter holiday on this Sunday!